
Making progress

Since Thanksgiving, MFJ and I  have been 'sleep training' Max... It has been a little rough going at times, but eventually, we knew progress would be made, and last night; he slept a solid 6 hours without a peep. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for me! I woke up a couple times concerned that he hadn't woken yet! I wish for something, wait months for it to happen then when it does, it unnerves me! Ha! We'll see if it was a one-off or if it will happen again tonight.. So far, he has been asleep for nearly 2 hours. I'm going to head to bed soon and hope to take advantage of multiple consecutive hours of undisturbed sleep! It is funny to think that I haven't really had a good solid nights sleep for over 7 months now.. It is true I think, the last coupe months of pregnancy prepare you for the sleepless nights you will have when your precious baby arrives! I wouldn't change it for the world though. When Max is in my arms, near me or with me, it does not matter how little sleep I have had, when he is not with me, quite the opposite. It's amazing how your body just 'does'.