It seems like since we found out we were pregnant, we have been planning our little one's room.. and it seems it has taken months to get to this point. It seems this way, because it has. We have done everything ourselves, and if there was an easier way to do something, we chose the hard path!
We started by emptying the room from all of our 'stuff' as we had been using it as our storage space/walk in closet! It was sad to see the space gone, but what filled it has been so worth it!
MFJ started by prepping all the walls and trim, lots needed to be spackled, filled, caulked, sanded and primed, and re-done again just so it was perfect, he is a little detail oriented shall we say!! ;) It took ages for the walls top be painted and in a position that we could start filling the room. The next big project was the crib.. It was a joint effort, but MFJ did the majority of the leg work! It was stripped, sanded, primed and painted (twice). But again, the end result was worth it and all the huffing and puffing to get it done forgotten!
Everything in the nursery has been thoroughly thought through, considered, researched and options changed many times! The dresser was originally white, and the top didn't fit the changing mat so a new top was added with a trim to tie it in, it was then painted, wallpaper adhered to the sides and the cheeky english birds added to the drawer fronts. The nursing chair was a gift from MFJ's Dad, and I already see myself spending many hours in it! The ABC poster was wrapping paper I got at home for £3.50 and brought back and framed. The counting bird cards I had spied in a friends house a few years ago and loved, I found them in Ann Arbor, and are attached by a wire and clips, I just wish I'd been a little more like MFJ and measured it correctly to fit 9 and 10 on the wire!! Oh well! The curtains went through many stages of 'what shall we do, what shall we have?' We bought plain white tab-top curtains from Ikea and cut them to size, and attached the tree/birdhouse material to the front so they were double lined. New white wooden blinds were attached first.
View from the door. |
Cheeky English bird wallpaper in middle of closet door bordered by the same paint as dresser. Shelves MFJ hung. ABC poster brought back from England. Nursing chair and stool. Dresser painted and wallpapered, cut-out birds adhered to each drawer and door. |
Branches painted on to the mirror... |
Map of England! |
Windmills Dede made for the shower. |
Counting cards and shelf with Union Jack piggy bank and picture frame! |
Curtains I made, closed so you can see the trees and bird houses on them. |
Changing mat on dresser. Hanging elephant decoration brought back from India from Reem! |
Here are a couple of before pictures to see the difference!
This is what the blue dresser looked like before;