While I'm recovering from being sick, sitting on the couch, with very little energy.. what better time to contemplate my many plans and ideas for the coming year...
In an ideal world, we would be living in a bigger house with a lovely garden, room to play and run around, and also a separate space for vegetables etc... But, this is a world that you have to wait for the things you want, and work hard to get them... so, a bigger dream house is on our list for the future. Until that time, I really do love our home, it has so much character, and it's old (1928) brick, mock tudor; my little bit of England in America I always thought.
While I sit here -listening to MFJ scraping and painting the closet re-model, singing along to Eminem- I look out the window at the latest snow fall and think of Spring and being outside.
Last summer I planned a raised vegetable garden, which never happened, but this year, I'm thinking a mixture of self-made raised cedar beds and pots to grow lettuce and tomatoes... start small! I'm thinking they would look good outside the back door which is usually a 'nothing' area.
Then at the back of the shed, we will have our little 'secret garden', possibly going to lay pea shingle or similar and have a seating area back there.
Now for the nice weather so we can get out and start on all that...!
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