
Rain rain go away..

Although it is raining outside, and me being British 'n all should be so very accustomed to this weather, and love it, I have had about my fill by now.. And, we have had way more than England has had for quite some time.
As much as it is comforting to me at days, and all in all I quite like the wet weather, it really is affecting my schedule to get things done for the baby...
The crib is in limbo, having been half primed (we ran out of primer) and that needs to be completed, and then there is the dresser that needs to be fixed up to, which also is a job for outside...
I have reluctantly accepted that I am going to have to go easy on other jobs around the house and garden, especially the garden, but the crib and dresser are really quite manageable!
The dresser is going to be quite simple... I need to attach a fake-out surface on the top, wide enough to hold the changing pad, this will be painted white, I need to soften the edges and buy some 'no nails' for that. Then, for the handles of the drawers, I was thinking I would paint them the same yellow as the crib will be. The side recesses of the dresser will have the bird wallpaper that I ordered, and arrived about a week ago. So all in all, it should be pretty easy, just a good cleaning, and re-painting, and a new hinge on the one door. The only thing that is holding me back, is the weather! Ugh!

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