
Life is... Maxwell.

It's amazing how quickly my life changed and how quickly this new life seems like it is always what it should be.
I am not a priority. My husband comes second.. My baby is everything. Every thought, every ounce of energy, every waking moment. It's not about just me and MFJ anymore, life is bigger than us now, and always will be. Two became three.
It feels weird if I am without Max.. But, I crave some time without him after a long day, really though, when I get that time alone; time to pick up around the house, check the internet, or run a quick errand, I feel like I left part of me behind. I want to hand my baby to his Daddy when he get's in from work, but I have a hard time leaving them, hovering around, waiting for him to need to pass him back to his Mummy... ready to swoop in and pick him up from his chair if he is put down for a second.

I already feel like my son knows his Mummy. Quietly believing that every time he stares into my eyes he is really looking at me, knowing my voice and my smell. I am loving every moment, every expression, every noise. I would never have believed so much time could be taken up just staring at my miracle. I am in love. 

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